As the Premier IT product suit comes neatly together under the cover of our Centric umbrella, it’s high time we talk about the benefits of skills, skilled workers and maintaining them within your organisation.
Now when we talk about employees’ skills, sometimes these are not tangible elements, but to make the skills work for us within the organisations we work within, we must digitise them.
Once we have these digital skills in place against our workforce, we can use them to make informed decisions and instruct efficiencies within our workforce planning.
Well, how do we do this I hear you ask? Premier IT’s Centric LMS with its fully accessible Centric front end allows your users to take courses and modules and obtain and maintain the skills they need to perform their roles and the digital skills you need to help your organisation flourish.
With these skills obtained, they are then automatically shared with the other elements of our Centric offering. Whether this is within our Appraisal and Revalidation system where mandatory training skills are key for compliance, or with our rostering system where organizing staff members day to day based on their skills can inform and unlock massive efficiencies for your organisation.
So how important are skills to you? Well, if the answer is that you haven’t thought about it at this level previously then do give us a call and we’d be more than happy to discuss further with you and give you a tour of our all-encompassing digital healthcare products.